Back to creating and dreaming
Listening to the right pause button . . .
' Sometimes we let one thing go when actually it was the very thing that made us feel ourselves. If you need to stop and gather your hobbies and loves together, you must. '
Writing has taken a back seat for a little while in my life just now. But when I think fondly back to when I first pressed publish on my blog, my story had only just begun and it was a magical time of trying something new.
By recording my thoughts, sharing inspirational topics and chatting about my experiences in general amongst my horses, the meadow we call home and the nature surrounding us - I was able to piece together a new chapter of my life, having closed an old one down.
' I am determined to make a beautiful life for myself - no matter what it takes '
Author unknown
In a strange sort of way - by writing most days I found my voice for the off line world, but doubted my online voice more and more as time went by. But I realised just recently, how much joy it had brought me, in the build up to where my energy now spends most of its time.
It gave me courage for reality . . .
I just have to remember to strike a balance again, and not allow dust to settle amongst my creation. In giving time to both - I feel that's got to be the best place to be. . .
I've found a wonderful sea of people online that have made me feel less alone in my view of the world, and our shared fondness for the little special details that see us through. So whilst my outdoor life requires my attention - I will save some carefully put by time for this online scrapbook I call my blog - because I think right now, I need it back . . . to guide me through once more just like it did before.
With Love,
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