Frazzled hearts ~

Dear Frazzled Heart,

I found you scrunched up in between the twigs, dew drops and muddy puddles in the meadow this morning. The ponies had pulled at your ribbon and sticks, leaving you a little jumbled. The wind had tossed you about from where you usually hang so sweetly from the stable roof. So prettily you sway in the gentle breeze, for all to see, providing your homey touch of rustic charm amongst the cobwebs and weathered wood of the meadow barns. Yet today, the weather was too much for you, and instead of spotting you dancing in the wind from your perch, I found you a little bit hopeless and lost on the ground.

It made me sad. Because I know what that feels like. You see, my own heart has been just a little frazzled recently. A little bit broken and scruffy around the edges. A little bit lost and trodden on by unsuspecting bigger things.

I've been a little like the ribbon, unable to hold my heart up to where it should be. 

I took my new path to get well and strong at the start of the year, and it seems I am still not entirely sure where I am headed or how to get there.

But, frazzled heart.... like you, I do have caring hands around me to scoop me up, dust me off, and help me put myself back together again. And I am so, so grateful for that.

My loving family and dear friends are an encouraging reminder that, even if my own heart is a little muddled and mismatched around the edges, it's still good enough. Just as it is.

So even though we're both a little frazzled, we'll get back to our place of belonging and be strong enough to weather any storm again very soon.

With love xxx

Ps. For anyone who also feels like they've got a frazzled heart
 ~ everything will find a way to be okay ~  You'll see . . . 



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Thank you for taking the time to leave your kind words ... I am so grateful for them.

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